Opt In
In order to Opt-In to HRL, all you need to do is install a LUA script.
- Halo Dedicated Server
- Halo Server App - SAPP
Set Up
- Click here to download the HRL files.
- Copy the hrl_api.dll to your exe folder (where your haloded.exe file is).
- Copy the lua folder to your exe folder.
- Copy the hrl.lua to your lua folder (inside your sapp configuration).
- If your Halo server is not running on port 2302, modify the hrl.lua and change the server_port variable to the port you are using.
- You may need to update your init.txt file to contain lua 1 if it does not already contain this.
- Update your init.txt file to contain lua_load hrl after lua 1.
- If all is working correctly, up to 15 minutes after the first lap is complete, you should see your Server in the Web App.
Due to limitations with GameServers, you may need to contact GameServers support to install the script.
Your server will not appear on this app instantly. Please give up to 15 minutes after first lap is recorded.
If your server is still not displaying 15 minutes after the first lap is recorded, please contact me